Smokeless Fires

About Smokeless Fires

The SMOKELESS product you see today was the brainchild of two Midlands natives, Barry Hulley and Glen du Preez. Glen has a background in engineering and digital design while Barry, a farmer since birth, frequently uses his creative problem-solving skills on the farm to come up with new, innovative ways to make his work (and life!) more efficient. The concept for the SMOKELESS unit you see today came from one of Barry’s many farm solutions when he was looking for a way to braai very easily, efficiently, and quickly while he was on the move. Glen and Barry quickly realized that his initial design for a small braai unit would actually burn smoke-free because of it’s fan-assisted design. They set out to make that design work without a fan and on a much larger scale, and two years later (after many hours and many prototypes) we have the unit you see today.
Smokeless Mini Coming Soon…


  • Outdoor Living


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