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Clay Brick: Meeting The Needs of Future Generations

Sustainable buildings meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Property developers and architects need to consider not only the short term costs of construction, but the long term costs in terms of impact on the environment, energy efficiency, maintenance, operation and the lifespan of the building itself.

Fire Resistance

In addition, Clay Brick is incombustible and therefore cannot contribute to the start or rapid spread of fire. Furthermore, the fire ratings of clay brick walls provide the standard in the building code of practice. Other walling materials can only aspire toward this.


Clay Brick resists the travel of sound and muffles external noise. It, therefore, helps to create quiet indoor spaces.

Thermal Comfort

Clay Bricks have natural thermal qualities that slow the transfer of heat through the walls of houses. It thereby contributes to optimal thermal comfort, resulting in low energy requirements for artificial heating and cooling.

Healthy for residents and the environment

Clay brick is a product of ‘mother earth’ – 100% natural. At the end of the life of the building, it can be crushed and returned to the earth, reused or recycled. Being an inert material, Clay Brick does not release harmful Volatile Organic Compounds or CFCs that can impact negatively on air quality.

Low Maintenance

Clay face bricks require little or no maintenance. This ensures the lowest life cycle costs, saving both time and money in the long term.

Socio-Economic value

Clay Brick’s ease of application is to be found in all forms of construction. Furthermore, it is widely available and supports employment opportunities, upskilling and small business development opportunities throughout South Africa.


Brick in architecture stretches back thousands of years. Today, many wonderful face brick buildings are found throughout the world and in South Africa, standing as a testament to the timeless beauty of the material.

For more visit Clay Brick.

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