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Spotlight The Clay Brick Association of Southern Africa

Durable, low-maintenance, cost-effective, colourfast, reusable, and recyclable, clay brick is a great option for residential and commercial construction.

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In addition, clay bricks are also available in a variety of shapes and colours, and add a beautiful organic texture to buildings.

Yes, it is not always the first choice for many. Often being labelled “too industrial-looking” or “not finished enough”, even “cheap looking”, clay bricks have unfairly been pushed to the side in favour of smooth plastered and painted walls. Yet, the natural beauty of this eco-friendly product makes it the perfect option for modern builds. 

Both inside and out.

Why’s that you may ask?

Well, clay bricks do not only cut down on building and maintenance costs, and offer a faster construction timeline, but the natural colours offer a beautiful, warm canvas against which to display art and furniture. Plus the continuation of brick from exterior to interior, provides an immediate link between the outside and the inside of a home, making it perfect for homes that open up to nature.

The natural, textured surface offers a raw visual integrity to both classic and contemporary projects and is extremely versatile. Big or small, curved or straight, whatever your design requirements, clay bricks can be stacked and manipulated to create the perfect form.

It can even be laid in intricate patterns to create a beautiful design.

Of course, it also goes perfectly with other trending natural materials of the moment such as stone, marble and wood.

And if the raw surface of the brick does not suit your style, you can have it varnished or painted to fit your vision.

taioursea laomendong spa shop

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