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Union Tiles: Tecnografica Decorative Panels

Epitomising the finest in Made in Italy design and quality, Tecnografica Italian Wallcoverings offers discerning clients a stunning collection of wallpapers and decorative panels.

A fusion of design, art, and decoration, Tecnografica Italian Wallcoverings produces exclusive wallpapers with a strong scenographic and decorative impact. While their decorative panels represent an innovative reality in the world of wallcoverings. 

“Thanks to scanning and printing technologies, marbles, precious stones, minerals, fossils and handmade surfaces created in our laboratories become very high-resolution designs for magnificent decorative wallcoverings,” says the company.

“In addition, our decorative panels are available in large format slabs (up to 150×300 cm) and in different finishes, which include flexible panels (glossy and matte), glass panels, and backlit panels with integrated LED systems.”

Adding an exquisite touch to any room, each Tecnografica Italian Wallcovering is crafted from premium materials to meet each client’s specific needs. The customisable designs are available in bespoke dimensions and designs, including several unique ecological, waterproof, and metallic-effect finishes.

“Precise but flexible organisation allows us to quickly meet the needs of architecture and design professionals while staying up to date with the latest trends,” adds Tecnografica Italian Wallcoverings.

Tecnografica Italian Wallcoverings is available from Union Tiles, SA’s premier supplier of luxury tiles for the home.




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