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Linen Drawer: Washday Blues, Reds and Greens

The festive season is almost upon us. If you hadn’t given it much thought, now is the time to start. You need enough time to think clearly and not become totally stressed about everything that is supposed to happen, and everything that might happen.

I speak from experience. Time is the secret ingredient in planning a stress-free festive season, and being able to enjoy it.

The festive season is characterised by goodwill and sharing, and we are often expected to host friends and relations at the drop of a hat. While food can easily be taken care of, those pesky grubby table-cloths and less than fresh bed linens are mercilessly shaking their folds at us. They need to be tackled very firmly.

At Linen Drawer, these crises are anticipated and they have just what you need. An arsenal of stain busting products, as well as specific knowledge about laundering bed linens and blankets.

Leave it to the pros – they can help.

Problem number one: less than fresh bed linen, maybe even slightly stained.

Solution – Linen Drawer’s specially formulated powder detergent for bed linens, blankets and towels. Linen Drawer has formulated an exceptionally effective laundry detergent by partnering with a local chemical company which produces detergents and products for the hospitality industry.

This has resulted in a laundry detergent that is immensely effective in warm water, removing tough stains, like sunblock, yet being gentle enough to use on your most precious bed, bath and table linens. Visit linendrawer.co.za/advice-stain-removal or contact Linen Drawer directly at info@linendrawer.co.za.

Problem number two: Greasy, oily stains on table-cloths, towels, or bedding

Solution – Linen Drawer sells an age-old secret solution to the above product – Boerseep! Boerseep is locally made, providing much needed employment to many families and supporting the small community where it is manufactured. It is made from tallow (fat) and caustic soda, in a process that is called saponification. Boerseep has no additives, and is about the purest soap you can find. You can even wash your dog with it!

It is also the answer to any greasy or oily stain! Easy to use, very kind to hands (in fact some customers buy it as a facial soap), and cost effective. A little bar of soap goes a long, long way. Use Boerseep either by rubbing onto the stains, leaving, then returning and washing thoroughly. Or grate some Boerseep, dissolve in water (you’ll have a jelly like solution) and use directly in the washing machine.

Should you need help please contact us at info@linendrawer.co.za, we are ready to share the magic properties of Boerseep. For interest visit https://boerseep.co.za/videos/ and https://boerseep.co.za.

Problem number three: Dulling, fading dark coloured towels, tabling or bed linens.

Solution – Skip Anti-Aging Liquid detergent. While Linen Drawer does not stock this product, it is available at most supermarkets and grocery stores. Why would we recommend it? Simply because it’s the best detergent to maintain the colours of darker hued products. It does not contain optical brighteners, thus ensuring that your washing stays true to colour, with no fading or dulling.

We like to use it when washing our slate, stone or duck-egg bed linens, as well as charcoal or navy towels. It has good stain removal properties and if used properly can help to prolong the life-span of dark coloured products. Visit the website
https://www.unilever.co.za/brands/home-care/skip/ for more details or to find stockists.

We know that the holiday period can be stressful. We are here to help and smooth the way towards a happy, sparkling holiday season. Please do visit the website for advice or help: https://linendrawer.co.za.

Article by Camilla Swart from Linen Drawer.

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