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Sky Fans for Summer Time

Mosquito bites and hot weather – you can almost say it’s synonymous with South African summers. And the one thing everyone dislikes about the season.

So, if there’s an unwelcome buzz buzz buzz in your bedroom, read on to discover how a bedroom ceiling fan from Sky Fans can guarantee you a good, buzz-free night’s sleep.

“Our superb quality ceiling fans are perfect for use in bedrooms – the airflow generated by our timber paddle fans is ideal for keeping you cool on hot nights and discourages mosquitoes and miggies from disrupting your sleep,” explains Sky Fans. 

Here’s why…

Moving air prevents mosquitoes from circling and landing on you.

“This is one that most people know about, that the air blows the mosquitoes around discouraging them from landing. And if you are worried about the noise from the ceiling fan, worry not. The speed required on the fans to stop mosquitoes from biting you is a lot slower than you think, causing them to be virtually silent.”

A fan dilutes and disperses the carbon dioxide you exhale.

“Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide. What this means for you is that you don’t have to turn your fan on to maximum speed when trying to keep mosquitoes at bay. The fan simply has to be strong enough to diffuse the air you breathe out to fool mosquitoes.”

A cool body attracts fewer mosquitoes as it excretes less sweat and lactic acid – two smells that mosquitoes hone in on.

Keeping cool has other added benefits other than guaranteeing a good night’s sleep. Stopping summertime sweat is one of them. It’s both comfortable and stops you from broadcasting your location to mosquitoes up to 50 metres away. Just make sure your fan is directly above you to completely diffuse all smells.”


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