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Bathrooms Dec 12, 2023

On Tap: Summer Showers

A shower is truly a refreshing and rejuvenating experience! This summer, why not hula hoop your way to hydration with a refreshing outside summer shower!

Outdoor showers are becoming increasingly popular, a stylish trend that is not only luxurious but enables you to add a practical finishing touch to your outdoor living space and one that aligns with the architectural design of your home. What’s more, research shows that they can enhance the value of your property!

Whether you enjoy spending your summer days poolside, or on the beach, an outdoor shower will most definitely be a welcome addition to your space. Make sure you choose a location that is in direct sunlight rather than under shade, to not only enhance the overall indulgent experience but to also ensure that the walls and floor remain as dry as possible to prevent a build-up of unwanted mould and mildew. And, if you are concerned about plumbing, there are options! You can either opt for fixed pipes and a separate system, or you can simply connect it up with your garden hose.

If you’re planning on creating the perfect outdoor shower, you can opt for simple or extravagant… the possibilities are endless!

At On Tap, you can find all you need and more with our extensive range of shower fittings and accessories, as well as all the plumbing requirements needed! Whatever your vision, our knowledgeable team will be on hand to bring your vision to life and make your dream a reality!

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