CM Art

About CM Art

Carl’s art career experience is advanced and diverse, and he often worked with his father performing tasks like wood carvings on furniture. He is proficient in almost any form of Artwork and enjoys using all mediums. He is also musical, plays the guitar and writes his own music. His artistic flair was discovered in his first year of school around 1970. The children were asked to make something out of clay. He made a boot. This piece was placed on display to show the intricate detail and precision. The teachers confirmed that his work was clearly above average. He spent many hours in the local libraries reading everything about Art. He is also proficient in a Martial Art called Ninjutsu and teaches students of all ages. He looks forward to a mutually beneficial business partnership with Art Dealers & Buyers and would love to share his work far and wide.


  • Decor
  • Furniture



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