Berry Homeware

About Berry Homeware

Berry homeware is a South African homeware and lifestyle brand created by Neo and Katleho, a sibling duo from Johannesburg. The main mission of Berry Homeware is to create an experience that speaks to the senses. Every smell, every sight, every touch is evocative and resonant with memory and feeling. Every item in our collection is created with you in mind. Each item is created in South Africa using the finest quality of materials with an eye to enhancing the moments that give life meaning, from the mundane to the significant. Our designs and fragrances are original and full of character. And all of this comes together to create a brand that is authentic, aspirational and attainable. We are grateful to our family who inspired us by managing to turn what could be perceived as small and uninspired into elevated, heartfelt spaces. Out of this came our passion to curate beautiful homes.


  • Decor
  • Tableware




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