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Preserve Your Interior Climate With uPVC Double Glazing From Skyward Windows

We spend vast amounts of money creating the perfect interior environment. Whether whilst sleeping, watching your favourite TV show, entertaining kindred guests; it is always essential that our bodily temperatures are conducive to relaxation and enjoyment – quality comfort levels. Regular bursts of heating or cooling devices create a seesawing effect on you temperature levels, not to mention the huge electricity bill to follow. Why not just lock your ideal temperature in?

uPVC double glazed windows are the perfect mechanism to preserve your interior climate. Non-conductive uPVC, coupled with the highly insulated double glazing unit, the class leading handles, locks and hinges as well as the super seal gasket, makes these windows and doors the most insulated window and door product available to the South African market. Prolonged thermal regulation without the stress of high electricity bills and constant dyer air-conditioning.

Recently, a retirement village in Malmesbury has won an international award acclaiming their development for their uPVC window and doors. Their elderly residents; most of which are sensitive to drastic environmental temperature change, have given countless testimonials as to how their homes require very little drastic heating and cooling and that living conditions are just perfect for them even though seasonal extremes would say otherwise.

The future of interior climate management is here, and its where you least expected it.

Contact: Skyward Windows

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