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The rug: an ode to its creator

A rug is an investment, for its truth is in the details; it’s colour choice gives you insight into the personality of a home, and it’s origin or craftsmanship is an ode to its creator. With a long running timeline of lineage and personal triumphs, the rug has become more than a decor accessory- it is the ultimate statement of a home. For all it’s glory lies in its collaborations, it’s insight to complement a space, to warm or hug when necessary, or to lie down, proud and cherished – a rug has to be eye catching to ensure it has found it’s place. Giving you wishes, awarding you with selection and finding the beauty in each woven thread, find what you want – for a lifetime. Gonsehausers will take you on their journey:



The rug: an ode to its creator

Gonsenhauser: Lurribuff

Contact: Gonsenhauser Fine Rugs

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