Hooga Homes

About Hooga Homes

Welcome to Hooga Homes, we are a authentic self designed online home decor store, bringing you a feeling into your home.

The store consists of atmospheric and comfort components, such as handmade candles, ceramics, macrame plant hangers and natural dyed fabrics.

Hygge pronounced Hooga is a Danish concept – ‘a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being’

When you walk into someone’s home and it feels like you would love to live there – that to me is Hooga.

We are environmentally conscience and aim to use sustainable products: packaging, natural dyes and soy wax.

Hooga Homes store has all the components you will need to create an atmospheric interior, which appeals to our senses and feeling of well being.

“Feel your home”


  • Decor
  • Interior Designers & Decorators



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