Rare Collections

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    Prints by
    Rare Collections

    We have a selection of both contemporary and antiquarian prints on a wide range of topics, including Entomology, Architecture, Botany, Zoology, travel and maps; and we are able to source according to specific needs.

    About Rare Collections

    Rare Collections is a niche company dealing in fine collectables; rare books and prints. We offer a full supply and curating service for private libraries, based on your personal interest, design goals and investment strategy.

    Rare Collections works closely with its sister Company The Wine Room where we offer a variety of services to both individuals and industry-professionals. We can design, manufacture and install libraries making sure that it fits with the aesthetic of the home, while ensuring that your valuable collection is adequately protected.

    We are also able to offer a wide range of services to interior designers, which include the simplicity of modern or antique leather-bound books and bindings. We always stock a larger range of antique prints, ideal for placements in libraries, studies and similar spaces.

    We sourced mainly from the USA and the UK and items are general either unique or hard to find in South Africa. We have a large range of investment books, offering both investment and hedging opportunities while allowing our clients to fill a space with items with which they have a personal connection.

    We have a particular focus in bindings, Livre d’ Artiste books, modern first, signed books, fine press books and speculative fiction.


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